Tyrell Hicks for Florida’s 68th District

  • Man in wheelchair being served food by volunteer


    Taking care of the community is a fundamental responsibility. Tyrell prioritizes supporting our community instead of serving Tallahassee special interests.

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    Transparent governance is crucial for building trust, accountability, and ensuring that the people's interests are at the heart of decision-making.

  • Smiling school child outside school with parent


    Prioritizing education in our community is essential for empowering our future generations and fostering a more prosperous society.

  • Building a future for our kids

    Build the Future

    It’s critical that we set our children and grandchildren up for success. We need elected officials who take responsibility for their actions today so we can lay the foundation for a prosperous future.

Tyrell Hicks for District 68

  • Heart arrows

    Community-Centered Values

    At the heart of Tyrell Hicks' campaign for State Representative in Florida's HD68 lies an unwavering commitment to community-centered values. Our elected officials should represent us and prioritize serving our community, not being a rubber stamp for special interests.

  • Government building icon

    Transparent Governance

    In Tyrell Hicks' vision for Florida's HD68, transparent governance stands as a cornerstone of his commitment to serving the community. Citizens shouldn’t have to file a lawsuit to see what our representatives are doing in Tallahassee.

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    We need government that serves us and keeps its nose out of our personal business. Tyrell values our freedom and opposes using the government to try to social engineer someone’s vision of what our families and businesses ought to look like.

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    Tyrell Hicks recognizes the pivotal role that education plays in shaping the future of our community. Our children’s success is the foundation of the entire community’s future. Florida can be a leader in education, but only if we work together to make it happen.

Let me introduce myself.

I grew up right here in Central Florida with my family. As a young man, I made the decision to enlist in the United States Marine Corps. Through deployments across the globe, I witnessed firsthand the vital importance of the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. When it came time to retire, there was no doubt in my mind - I was coming back home to Florida.

Now, I'm proud to call Plant City home, where I live with my wife and our three children. Witnessing the struggling state of our schools prompted me to delve into how things had reached this point. It turns out, education was just the tip of the iceberg. In numerous aspects, Florida has fallen behind. A common thread emerges - political grandstanding from unresponsive representatives in Tallahassee, deflecting responsibility through excuses or finger-pointing, all while failing to deliver meaningful results.

That's why I'm committed to a different approach: representatives who take ownership of their actions, prioritize our community, and staunchly defend our fundamental liberties.